6th Graders

A Walk on Your Poetic Side


A Web Quest About Poetry

Created by Mrs. Leach


Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Teacher


It's time to lace up your walking shoes and take a walk on your poetic side! As you do this, you will be exploring one specific style of poetry provided for you and learning as much about this style and authors as you can, so you can share it with the rest of the class. You'll need to tune into your creative side as well to put together a Power Point presentation to share with your classmates. As your classmates are sharing their presentations, you'll need to listen carefully since you will be required to know about every style by the end of this unit. We will practice writing a poem in each style after it is presented. To finish this journey, you will be making a poetry book with ten of your favorite poems that you have written.  So, tie those laces tight, our walk is about to begin.



The Task

Your goal as you continue on your walk is to complete the following tasks. You will be divided into groups of four and assigned a role of either: researcher, recorder, publisher or speaker. (You will be responsible for your own role, as well as contributing to the entire group project.)

#1: As a group you will create a power point presentation about a style of poetry chosen in class. This presentation will need to cover the information learned in class, found through the scavenger hunt or any information found on your own. The power point should be informative, as well as entertaining. You need to include examples of the chosen style, authors and your own work. Be creative!

#2: Individually, you will create a poetry book with a collection of your own poems. These poems can be any style; you will need 10 total poems and can only repeat each style one.

#3 Throughout the course of this unit we will also examine different authors and their styles and we will analyze different poems for their meaning.


The Process

Being a poet is one of the best jobs around! You really don't have to follow any rules; you get to be your own boss! However, there are certain styles of poetry already created which authors have coined unique by their requirements. Studying these different styles will make you aware of the variety of poetry available. The more you know about these different styles of poetry, the easier it will be to create a poem of your own in the same style. Creating poetry may take some time, don't rush your walk, instead consider this a stroll.

Responsibility #1 - Understanding

Step 1. As a group, you need to decide who will be the researcher, recorder, publisher and speaker. Each role is very important, however you must still all contribute to the overall project.

 Role Descriptions:

 Researcher -  guide your group in locating information on the internet.

 Recorder - serve as the secretary for your group, you must keep track of all the information you find!

 Publisher - your hands get to do the walking on the keys to create the Power Point, but make sure to listen to your group!

 Speaker - You will give the introduction and overview of the website, but feel free to allow other group members to speak too!

Step 2. You will be given a style of poetry to share with the class: Haiku, Limerick, Clerihew, Free Verse, Acrostic, Concrete, Found or Cinquain. Your group will be responsible to research as much as you can about this style and report back to the class.

Step 3. Once you have chosen a style, you must use web sites or books in the classroom/library to answer the following questions. (The researcher will be responsible for walking through the sites, but all must offer input. The recorder will take the notes, but don't be afraid to share your finds with him/her.)  Mrs. Leach is also a good resource!;)

a. What is unique about your style

b. Are there any requirements (number of lines/ syllables)

c. What is the general theme of this style

d. Name some famous authors of this style.

e. Show some examples of this style.

Responsibility #2  Presentation

Step 1. It is now your job to create a power point presentation displaying the information you found. Your power point should begin with the name of the style, a definition if applicable and then slides depicting the requirements, theme, examples and authors. (The publisher will do the walking on the keys to create, but all should offer their input/ideas! Remember, you are being the teacher now hook your students!)

Step 2. As a group you will present your power point presentation to the class. Remember to use good speaker skills when in front of the class. (The speaker can lead this presentation, but others should offer their input as well.)

Responsibility #3  Listening and Reflecting

Step 1. It is your responsibility to listen to each groups, or my presentation on different styles of poetry. You should take notes in your language arts binder to help you remember each style of poetry.

Step 2. Following each presentation you will be responsible for writing a poem in the presented style. You must write one to be handed in for a grade, but if you are on a roll write as many as you'd like! Keep all of your poems together for later use!

Step 3. Once all poetry styles have been presented, you will be responsible for creating a poetry book of poems you have written. You will need to include 9 poems. Your book will include a cover, a title page, a table of contents page, 9 poetry pages, and an about the author page. (See example in classroom). You may repeat a style of poetry once! (Example: 2 Haikus, 2 Limericks, 1 Free Verse, etc.)




You will receive two grades for this project. 1) You will receive a grade for the overall appearance and amount of information presented in your groups power point presentation 2) An individual grade for your poetry book based on the creativity and completeness.

These two grades will be averaged together to give you your final unit grade. The rubric below should be used as a guide for you when you create your power point and individual poetry book.













Amount of Information included in Power Point Presentation


The amount of information is limited or basic. You state the obvious about your style of poetry.

The amount of information is obvious with only 2-3 extra facts.

The amount of information presented is adequate. You hit the main points of your poetry style and included 5-7 facts.

The amount of information presented is beyond what is expected. You found extra examples or information.



Appearance of Power Point Presentation



The appearance of the power point is simple, no added graphics and limited color.

The appearance of the power point is basic, you added color, but have limited graphics.

The appearance of the power point presentation is adequate. You have a variety of color and graphics.

The appearance of the power point presentation is exemplary. You have creative slides with lots of color and graphics



Poems included in Poetry Book



You have included only 5 or less poems and do not have a variety of styles presented.

You have included 6-8 poems and repeat styles more than once.

You have 8-10 poems and use each style no more than twice.

You have 10 or more poems and show a variety of each style.



Creativity and neatness of Poetry book.


Your poetry book is basic, limited color, hard to read and missing pages.

Your poetry book follows the basic guidelines, but no extra color or details added.

You have followed all the appropriate guidelines, added color and a few pictures.

You have followed all the appropriate guidelines and have a very bright, creative and easy to read book.



Coffee House Poetry Night Presentation

You presented only one poem at our open mic and were hard to hear or understand.

You presented 2 poems at open mic, but had little expression in your presentation.

You presented 2-3 poems at open mic, spoke clearly and loudly.

You presented 2-3 poems at open mic with great expression, and feeling.



Your soles should be nearly worn out from walking! You should be fairly comfortable with several styles of poetry, especially the style you researched. You should be able to attempt a poem in any of the styles presented. You should also have a wonderful keepsake of poetry that you created! This should only be the beginning of your walk however, keep those shoes laced up and keep on writing and enjoying poetry.



http://library.thinkquest.org/3721/poems/forms/learn.html  - learning about all styles of poetry

http://www.poetry4kids.com/index.php - Poetry examples

http://student.augie.edu/~bjleach06/hotlist.htm (Hotlist to authors)