Poetry Terms:


1. Onomatopoeia: using words that sound like the noises they make

    Ex: I hear the bird chirping outside the window.


2. Alliteration: repeating the beginning consonant sound

    Ex: Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers...


3. Simile: compares two different things using the words like or as


4. Metaphor: compares two different things without using the words like or as


5. Personification: giving human traits to something that is not human


6. Hyperbole: an exaggeration


7. Assonance: the repetition of vowel sounds in words

    Ex: The green apple gleamed at me.


8. Consonance: the repetition of consonant sounds anywhere within words


9. End Rhyme: the use of rhyming words at the ends of two or more lines


10. Internal Rhyme: the use of rhyming words within a line of poetry


11. Repetition: the use of the same word, idea, or phrase for rhythm or organization


12. Rhythm: the way the poem flows from one idea to the next (beat)